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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Custom bookmark folder for Incredible StartPage

Incredible StartPage for Chrome features a beautiful photo frame which shows your favorite bookmarks from the bookmarks bar. Some of you have asked for the ability to show a different folder in the frame, and today's update has brought that to you!

There are two new buttons at the bottom of the Bookmark browser. The "Show as main" button will put the currently displayed folder to the photo frame. The "Home" button will return the Bookmark browser to the root folder.

Navigate to the folder you want to see, click "Show as main", and behold...

It's here!


Unknown said...

That's a great feature, thanks for the update. Unfortunately the lack of support for Incognito made is a dealbreaker for me.

Will this be making it into future releases now that Google has allowed extensions to run in Incognito mode?

justjoan123 said...

I really like this -- it's helpful and relatively easy to use. That being said, one very annoying thing has happened: I'm getting a big overlay on many sites with a Facebook "Like" and "XXXXX people have liked this" at the top. How do I get rid of it? Your Options really do not give one all that many options!

Sandy@visibo said...

We have to wait for Chrome to open up support for "start page replacements" in incognito mode :P

That's a new Facebook feature and is not related to Incredible StartPage. You can get more information for searching for "facebook instant personalization" on the web.

cata said...

I can't have it working. Only think that seems to work is Recently Closed and I cannot drag them anywhere else. It doesn't show my existing bookmarks nor new ones.
And in top of all of that I DON'T KNOW HOW TO REMOVE IT!!!!
please help!!!!!!

Visibo Team said...

@cata: In the "Bookmarks Column", navigate to the folder you want to show in the "main" area, then click "Show as Main".

Then the bookmarks (only bookmarks) inside this folder will appear on the "main" area and you can easily access them whenever you open a new tab.

Currently you cannot delete anything on Incredible Startpage, please go to bookmark manager to delete bookmarks or folders. Hope it helps.

Unknown said...

The "Show as main" button will put the currently bookmark manager displayed folder to the photo frame. The "Home" button will return the Bookmark browser to the root folder.

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